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Ant Pest Control Services

Ants are prevalent pests that can disrupt your home or business. As a business owner, an ant infestation can deter customers and affect your bottom line. With Ridtechs, you no longer have to endure these intrusive pests.

Ridtechs provides expert ant extermination services designed to address your specific pest challenges effectively. Our dedicated professionals offer personalized solutions to meet your unique requirements.

We employ environmentally friendly methods for ant control, including spot treatments, gel bait applications, and treatments around the foundation and perimeter, as well as granular baits. Rely on us to resolve your ant issues and prevent future invasions at your home or business. Reach out to Ridtechs now to learn more or to set up a consultation.

Ant Facts

Ants possess a unique body structure consisting of a head, thorax, and abdomen, with the majority you see being worker ants tasked with gathering food. They are renowned for their advanced communication skills and can form colonies that number in the hundreds of thousands.

These ants build complex and expansive underground tunnel systems for their nests, which often have multiple entry and exit points, allowing the colony to move quickly. This ability to relocate can present difficulties, but our comprehensive pest management strategies provide effective resolutions to any pest challenges you might encounter.

Signs Of An Ant Problem

⁤Are you noticing continuous lines of ants in or around your home, or ants consistently near your windows? ⁤⁤These signs strongly suggest an ant infestation on your property. ⁤⁤Whether it's mounds of soil on your driveway or tiny wood fragments from carpenter ants, Ridtechs is here to assist. ⁤⁤Following a detailed inspection, we will create a customized strategy to eradicate your pest problems and ensure your environment is pest-free. ⁤⁤Rely on us for efficient pest control solutions. ⁤

How We Deal With Ants

Kitchen cabinets and pantries are typical spots where ant control efforts are concentrated. Tackling ant infestations can be a daunting task for homeowners. Various methods are available to combat ant issues, such as liquid sprays, gel baits, and granular treatments.


Spray Application: To curb an increase in ant activity, spot treatments might be necessary inside your home. Focus this specially formulated spray on entry points, under sinks, and in the nooks and crannies of your home.

Gel Application: For recurring pest problems, gel bait may be used. This bait serves as food for ants, encouraging them to carry it back to their nest, aiding in eradication.


Power Spray Application: Our foundational power spray is an effective way to diminish pest populations around your property. By treating the perimeter and foundation of your home, this method helps prevent pests from crossing into your property or indoors.

Granules: We apply granular treatments to hot spots around your home’s exterior foundation. This strategic placement ensures effective control in high-traffic pest areas.

If you’re facing ant problems, whether inside or outside, consult with Ridtechs Pest Solution. Discover our safe and effective techniques for managing ant activity on your property today!

Common Types of Ants

In any given area, you're likely to encounter different species of ants, such as Fire ants, Argentine ants, Pavement ants, and Carpenter ants. Each species has unique traits that affect how they interact with your property. To effectively tackle and manage these varied species, tailored approaches are essential.

Fire Ants:

Fire ant colonies are often large and contain multiple queens. If the colony is disturbed, the queen quickly moves it to a new location. The bite of a fire ant causes sharp, immediate pain, and the itch from the sting can persist for hours. Additionally, some people may experience allergic reactions to the venom, which can affect the nervous system.

Pavement Ant


Pavement ants typically establish their nests under sidewalks, building foundations, and driveways. They often invade buildings while foraging for food, as their nests are usually positioned close to these structures. They primarily feed on honeydew produced by aphids and mealybugs, and they even go as far as protecting these insects to maintain a constant food source. The presence of pavement ants is commonly indicated by the small mounds of soil they pile up near their nesting sites.

Carpenter Ant

Carpenter ants carve out wood to build their nests, posing a significant threat to structural integrity as they can weaken wooden elements. They are among the largest ants and vary in color from black and brown to a lighter shade. Instead of eating the wood, they create and leave behind sawdust near their entrances. These ants typically select softer, moist, or decaying wood for their nests. Although they do not sting, their powerful mandibles can deliver a noticeable pinch.


Harvester Ant


Harvester ant colonies are characterized by their industrious nature and play a critical role in the ecosystem by dispersing seeds. These ants typically establish long-lasting nests, which can cover extensive areas with their intricate underground structures. A harvester ant sting delivers a burning sensation, often accompanied by localized swelling and redness. While generally not dangerous, the discomfort can be notable, and in rare cases, individuals may exhibit allergic responses to the sting.

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